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Friday, 1 April 2011

Evaluation-How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Here are some screen grabs of Beth from our production Beth Marwolaeth alongside Emilie De Ravin who plays Emily in "Brick".

Our overall influence came from the film Brick (2005), and we wanted to use some of the dramatic shots they had used but in our own style. Both characters are very similar. But yet very different. Emily has long blonde hair and has her eyes shut in the shots of her, whereas we wanted our character Beth to have her eyes open as we felt this was more dramatic and creepy. Beth has long brown hair, but I think this is a good difference because we didn't want our whole production to be exactly like Brick.

Beth (Played by Emily) and Emily are very similar, around the same age, 17, long hair, and are portrayed to the audience as being very vulnerable and supposedly dead.

The top two images are of the Brick establishing shot and our productions establishing shot.

We really like this idea of the tunnel effect creating in the brick film so we chose our desired location. This worked really well with the mood of the film and really represents a young teenager social group. For example this location could be where they regularly hang out, or it could be a quick route home for the young teenagers after a hard day at work. Both opening link in with the questions the audience ask themselves how/why/who?

We also loved the individual close ups from the opening from Brick. How she looked so pale and ghostly. We liked this idea of how this character - a girl of 17, who normally would take pride in her appearance, is left in a dirty unsafe environment. We played on this idea with our character Beth. Although having nice earring in and a pretty blue dress. Her character and charisma is drained from her. Through the pale skin, dirty environment, scruffy hair and smudged make-up. Now being left in this state she is no longer able to take responsibility for herself and she is just left alone in the cold waiting for someone to find her body.This links in with the representation of this age group again. Young teenagers getting drunk, taking drugs etc. The fact that Beth in laying in a river with the rain falling around her and her pale bare skin exposed gives an even more eerie feeling of cold and mystery.

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