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Sunday, 2 January 2011

Preliminary Project

Our project I believe was an overall success however could be improved to a higher standard even though being of a good and strong basic standard according to audience feedback. Our storyline was simple and allowed us to incorporate our skills whilst keeping the audience focused on the story, titled ‘How not to ask a girl out’ it shows a young school boy struggling to ask the girl he like out on a date. Using our school common room as the setting this allowed us to use the three shots which were asked of us to film, these were the 180 degree rule, match on action and the shot/reverse shot. According to audience feedback our best areas of technicality were our holding a shot steady, using a variety of shot distances, using titles appropriately and using sound with images and editing appropriately. Shows that our main areas of filming are strong and need a slight improvement this tells us our basic skills are intact however our weak or shall I say weaker areas need improving like framing a shot, selecting mise-en-scene and editing so the meaning is apparent to the viewer. This means we need to think about the audience and there perspective/viewing in more detail and work on these areas to make this an overall great and professionally presented project.

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