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Monday, 31 January 2011

Story board

Film Schedule

We will use this in order to help us keep on track of filming. It will also help us get a clear idea of what we need to be filming and when. It indicates what scene is being shot, the description of the shot, the characters in the shot location, setups, how long it will take to shoot, props and kit needed and costumes. We have decided to give each scene an average setup of 4 because we feel that not only is it a suitable number for the scene but it also wont make the scene look rushed and therefore make the scenes look less effective. We have also given ourselves an hour for each scene as we feel this should gives us plenty of time to shoot what we need to and also to re-shoot any scenes if needed.

Friday, 28 January 2011

Film inspirations

Influences and ideas for title sequence and shots

More idead and influences for our title sequence and how to make it effective and different, also a couple of shots from the film saw, these were insperations into a few shots we decided to take, which we beleived was powerful and effective and was the style/theme we was looking for in shots/mise en scene. 

Creative and interesting ways of showing title sequence

Here are some ideas in having a creative and divers title sequence, these particular examples shows us how we can sync in our fonts with the background and whats going on in the film (theme, style, mood or atmosphere). This can create a more interesting begeninng and represent what type of theme is going on in the film.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Screenplay rough format

 A rough copy of our screenplay and what were hoping to produce, gives us an indication of whats going on in the scene and what the characters are doing ( with dialogue/movements/surrondings etc ).

Finalising Screenplay



Dead body in the woods, lying across a muddy path and following stream. Clothes ripped and muddy legs scratched, bruised and bleeding. It's BETH MARWOLAETH.


VOICE OVER:  FORENSIC : "Sir I think we'we found something, it appears to be a picture of our victim leaving a shop. This obviously wasn't taken by her, maybe it will lead to our killer.

DAVE is in his back garden. There is a bin which seems to have pictures of Beth in it. He lights a match and chucks it in the bin.


VOICE OVER:  FORENSIC:  "sir you might want to come and look at this, there appears to be bloody hand prints on our victims shirt, possibly from our killer.

JACK is in the bathroom with the tap running, he looks up in the mirror, very suspiciously and then looks down and starts scrubbing a bloody shirt, vigourously.


VOICE OVER:  FORESIC:  "I think I've found something else, our victim seems to have what used to be a letter, but I can't read it due to the water damage. It looks like its been ripped out of a note pad.

ALICE is sitting at her desk writing in her diary. By her side she has a ripped picture of her and Beth. She looks very upset and angry.  

Monday, 24 January 2011

Ideas and influences for music

Casting Shots

Tolga Ocay ( me ) plaaying the role of jack, a suspect of the murder of Beth. Relationship: Close friend to Main character ( Beth )

Daniel Balaam playing the role of Dave, is Beths secret 'admirer' of shall we say stalker. Relationship: Stalker to Beth also a major suspect of the murder.

Becky Cox, playing the role of Alice, has a connection with the death. Relationship: Best friend to Beth also a prime suspect.

Emily Betts, playing the role of the main character Beth. Has some dark and hidden truths which is the cause of her death or murder ? Relationship: Is connected to all the charcters - all suspected to hav a hand/ cause into her death or murder.

Synopsis - in detail

- The film will start off with a dead girl lying in a river bank. Her name is Beth Marwolaeth, she is a 17 year old student from St.Mary's School for girls.
- The film is based on her death and will focus on the investigation of finding out who murdered her.
- There are 3 main characters who play a big part in the film Dave, Jack and Alice. The audience will be lead to believe that one of these characters has murdered Beth, and the next 3 opening scenes will suggest this.
- The first scene will be of Dave burning pictures that have been taking of Beth out and about that she obviously doesn't know about, in the background there will be a voice over of a forensic investigator examining Beth's body and explain to her boss that she has just found a scrunched up photo of Beth, in Beth's hand, this will show that Beth was with Dave before she died and make him look like the murder.
- The next scene will be of Jack scrubbing his top in the sink trying to get blood off it, again in the background the forensic investigator will say to her boss that there are blood hand print on Beth's shirt, again this will make it out that Jack has something to do with the murder and will make the audience point the blame on Jack.
-The next scene will be of Alice has a ripped picture of her and Beth by her side, which will suggest they have had a disagreement, this will be backed up by the entry that Alice is writing in her diary about how much she hates Beth and her Mum and wished they were both dead. Again there will be a voice over of the forensic investigator saying they have found a letter in Beth's hand but are unable to read it due to water damage. The police won't know this yet but the audience will see that this paper is the same paper in Alice's diary.
- Throughout the film suspicion arises on Dave, because of his weird picture's of Beth and his obvious obsession over Beth, Jack because of his blood stain shirt, as the audience find out that before Beth's death Alice and Beth has been arguing  about Beth's Mum having an affair with Alice's Dad, and Alice is trying to get it to stop but Beth was unaware anything was happening and didn't believe Alice, this was why Alice was so upset.
- The audience will then learn that Jack was with Beth before she died, because he had found out by her, that she was fed up with life and was going to kill herself and Jack tried to stop her it was too late.
-The twist to the story will be that none of the main characters killed Beth, she committed suicide due to stress and depression, once she had found out about her mum and Alice's dad she just couldn't take it any more, so decided to kill herself.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Brick - inspiration for our film

We decided that brick was a good film to base our project on, it provided a genre/style that we was looking for, its sense of abstract and gloominess created a strong and powerful effect to the audience without ever the use of gory blood scenes like many other dark films. Its opening has a carefully chosen setting and surrounding in order attract and engage the audience from an open establishing scene. Also an effective use of camera shots and editing creates a dark and slightly disturbing atmosphere. This attracted us to use the basis and context of this idea and incorporate our own ideas and influences to also create a the same effective that we believe is powerful and extremely engaging.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Ideas and Creativity

These are our initial ideas, from our first team brainstorming session, it includes what options we had and what type of genre/idea we was looking for.
It then goes on to our rough idea of what we decided on doing, selecting our roles as we decided we were all going to take part in the acting.
Then our rough outline, synopsis, target audience we which we initially decided, this was later on devloped into further detail. 

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Video of Preliminary project

Opening sequences

Opening Sequence 1- Office Space
Genre: Comedy
The first opening title gives of the suggestion that the film genre is comedy, its quite funky looking and comical. Another aspect that gives the sense that the films genre is comedy is the music soundtrack, its quite upbeat and quirky.
Office space is a quite standard and conventional film, in the opening sequence 3 characters are introduced, they are appear to be one their way to work, however each character is introduce differently to give you an idea of their characteristics, for example one of the character is constantly moving in and out of different queues on the traffic to get to work quick rather than sitting in the traffic however, every time he moves in what appears to be the quicker queue out of the 2, that queue then slows down and the queue he used to be in speeds up, the character gets quite frustrated by this and this shows the viewers that he is quite short tempered, in contrast to this one of the other character is shown listening to rap music really loud in his car and singing, at first this makes him look like a strong, quite powerful character, however when a coloured person walks by he turns the music down and locks his car door, until the coloured block has walked by, and then turns the music up, this automatically makes the character look weak and quite comical.

Opening Sequence 2- Train Spotting 
Genre: Comedy
As in Office Space the opening title in Train spotting gives away the genre straight away, comedy and real life drama. As soon as the film starts we are introduced to the two characters and straight away we find out what kind of people they are, they are running away with packages in there arms, which suggests they have just nicked something from somewhere. There are close-ups of the face so we can see their facial expressions, which then switches to a close-up of their feet to show they are running. There are also quite a few establishing shots to show the location of the film, and give you a sense of what atmosphere the characters are in. We learn that the film is set in England not only because of the establishing shot showing the locations, but the narrator doing the voice over has a English accent.
The upbeat soundtrack in the background, matches with the action on the screen, and compliments it quite well.
Each character is introduced by a freeze frame, and then text on the screen of their name, this is quite effectively because it slows down the action, and makes the viewers focus on the characters for all of 2 seconds.
Overall I think this film looks quite interesting, funny and comical, however not your average standard film.

Opening Sequence 3- Sweeny Todd
Genre: Horror
Unlike the other two films this opening sequence was completely different initially, it started off very dark and eerie, it had very fast pace music in the background, which gave it that dramtic effect. The mainly in black and white and the only colour you saw was red, which was very significant to the film as it suggested that the film was about murderer, for example the titles was made to look like they had been written in blood.
You are not introduced to any characters as it is animations the whole time. All of these gives off the genre of horror/thriller.
In my opinion this is a very clever way of opening a film using credits, it gives of hints about the film, that the viewers may or may not be aware of, it is very effective and draws the viewers attention straight away, by catching your eye, because it is so unusual and stands out from most films.

Preliminary Project

Our project I believe was an overall success however could be improved to a higher standard even though being of a good and strong basic standard according to audience feedback. Our storyline was simple and allowed us to incorporate our skills whilst keeping the audience focused on the story, titled ‘How not to ask a girl out’ it shows a young school boy struggling to ask the girl he like out on a date. Using our school common room as the setting this allowed us to use the three shots which were asked of us to film, these were the 180 degree rule, match on action and the shot/reverse shot. According to audience feedback our best areas of technicality were our holding a shot steady, using a variety of shot distances, using titles appropriately and using sound with images and editing appropriately. Shows that our main areas of filming are strong and need a slight improvement this tells us our basic skills are intact however our weak or shall I say weaker areas need improving like framing a shot, selecting mise-en-scene and editing so the meaning is apparent to the viewer. This means we need to think about the audience and there perspective/viewing in more detail and work on these areas to make this an overall great and professionally presented project.

Media Studies Brief

The set brief for our Video project is to create the titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes. This blog will document the pre-production, production and evaluation stages of this project.