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Monday, 28 February 2011

A few ideas we had in mind for our production company, with beckei comin up with unique and me trying to encouperate all of our initials into one title, we in the end decided to go with unique as it looked and sounded more professional.

These were all the types of shots we decided we wanted to used in our final project, taken in beckies house, we decide our location for each scene i.e me in the bathroom washing the shirt, dan in the garden burning the pictures and finally beckie in her room scribbling in her diary. This gave us an indication into how we was going to take each shot, angle, position, mise-en-scene, props etc.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Establishing shots video

Today we started the video on the places which we will film each scene. We went to High Brim Woods and took some footage of some of the places we may use to see weather they are practical. Video will be uploaded as soon as all the scene have been shot.

Film production companies - influences

influences into the what type of prodcution company we wanted to create, using the themes and ideas from the big world wide companies e.g warner bros and universal.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Development of music

We found some music that we really liked, but unfortunately it was copy right so we unable to use it, instead we've used piece of music which was created by Emily's friend as an idea of music to use in our film, we then edited it on garage band, using different effects to make it more spooky and eerie and we are really happy with the out come. Here is the process we went through in making the music.